Eight or ten of them, anyway? I lost track of that sentence. Party Hard, Die Young is a literal-minded (or, more to the point, -titled) example of the first kind of slasher movie, about a small group of graduating German high school seniors, or whatever they might be called instead in Germany, who were all in the same home room, or however German classes are divided up. Examples: any movie set on Elm Street, the remainder of the F13 franchise. The trying to stay alive part is the same, as is the success rate, just without the false hope that figuring out what’s going on would help. The other kind is almost always a member of a longer series, and everyone knows who the killer is because he’s an unstoppable supernatural force. Examples: Friday the 13th, Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (aka part 5), the majority of one-off slasher films. The first kind is a gradually building sequence of events and accompanying tension in which targeted characters first learn that murder is on the menu and then over the remainder of the film try desperately to stay alive long enough to find out who is behind the murders, in the hopes of saving themselves this of course does not work for virtually any of them, but that’s the tenor of the semi-genre.